Erin King-Mullins, MD, FACS, FASCRS
Colorectal Surgeon in Fayetteville, GA

Her fellowship training in colorectal surgery at Georgia Colon & Rectal Surgical Associates concluded with her joining the practice and serving as Faculty/Research Director for the fellowship program until her transition into private practice with Colorectal Wellness Center.
With several presentations and publications to her credit, Dr. King-Mullins is passionate about improving patient access, clinical research and the empowering her colleagues in colorectal surgery. She is an active participant and leader in several national organizations including the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, the National Medical Association, the Association of Women Surgeons, the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons, the American College of Surgeons, and more.
She has a husband with whom she shares an amazing blended family. The kids keep them pretty busy, but their favorite times are spent on warm sunny beaches.
Bridges, L.; King-Mullins, E.; Hand, K.; Fabien, J. The Black Panther Effect: Was there a Decrease in the Median Age of Colon Cancer Screening After the Death of the Famous Actor.
Accepted as eposter ASCRS annual conference for presentation June 2023
King-Mullins, E., Maccou, E. Miller, P. Intersectionality: Understanding the Interdependent Systems of Discrimination and Disadvantage. Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery Publication scheduled for 2023
Martin, A., Grimes, C., Hayden, D.M., King-Mullins, E.M., Rogers, C.R., Korous, K.M., Brooks, E., Tuuheraufa, F. (2023, June 3-6). Recommending Robotics: How Do Colorectal Surgeons Decide? A Pilot Survey. (Accepted Poster Abstract). American Society of Colorectal Surgeons Annual Scientific Meeting, Seattle, WA, United States
Hayden, D., Korous, K. M., Brooks, E., Tuuhetaufa, F., King-Mullins, E., Martin, A. M., Grimes, C., & Rogers, C. R. (in press). Factors contributing to the utilization of robotic colorectal surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Surgical Endoscopy. 15, December, 2022
Korous, K. M., Brooks, E., King-Mullins, E. M., Lucas, T., Tuuhetaufa, F., & Rogers, C. R. Perceived Economic Strain, Subjective Social Status, and Colorectal Cancer Screening Utilization in U.S. Men––A Cross-Sectional Analysis. Social Science & Medicine Manuscript submitted and under review
Korous, K. M., Brooks, E., King-Mullins, E. M., Lucas, T., Tuuhetaufa, F., & Rogers, C. R. (2022, November). Objective and subjective socioeconomic status and colorectal cancer screening uptake among U.S. men. Paper to be presented at the American Public Health Association’s Annual Meeting and Expo, Boston, MA.
Sarah B. Jochum, Erin M. King-Mullins, Ethan Matthew Ritz, Henry R. Govekar, Anuradha R. Bhama, Theodore John Saclarides, Dana Michelle Hayden,Disparities in Robotic Colorectal Surgery: A National Surgical Quality Improvement Program Study. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, Volume 231, Issue 4, Supplement 2, 2020, Page e97, ISSN 1072-7515,
Sarah B. Jochum, Erin M. King-Mullins, Ethan Matthew Ritz, Henry R. Govekar, Anuradha R. Bhama, Theodore John Saclarides, Dana Michelle Hayden, Disparities in Robotic Colorectal Surgery: Do All Patients Have Equal Access?
Virtual Presentation American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Annual Scientific meeting June 2020
Sandhu, J.; Fabien, J.; Finucan, M.; King-Mullins, E.; Schertzer,M.; Ambroze, W. Anal Paps in High Risk Women: A Single Institution Retrospective Review. Poster presented at American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Annual Conference, Tampa, FL, May 2022
Sandhu, J.; Finucan, M.; King-Mullins, E. Differences in PACU Narcotic Usage and Time to Discharge for Patients Receiving Liposomal Bupivacaine after THD. Poster presented at American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Annual Conference, Tampa, FL, May 2022
Korous, K. M., Hayden, D., Brooks, E., Tuuhetaufa, F., King-Mullins, E. M., Martin, A. M., Grimes, C., & Rogers, C. R. Contributing factors to disparities in the use of robotic colorectal surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Poster presented at Digestive Disease Week (DDW), San Diego, CA, May 2022
Ray JJ, Bowers KD, King-Mullins E, Dykes S, Fabrizio A, Friel C, Hayden D, Jenkins C, Justiniano CF, Laryea J, O’Connor L, Stapleton S, Tuckson W. Consensus statement from a group of colorectal surgeons for health equity and justice. Endosc Int Open. 2022 Mar 14;10(3):E227-E228. doi: 10.1055/a-1672-3985. PMID: 35295240; PMCID: PMC8920597.
Kevin M. Korous, PhD, Kia L. Davis, ScD, MPH, Ellen Brooks, BS, Erin M. King-Mullins, MD, FACS, FASCRS, Todd Lucas, PhD, Fa Tuuhetaufa, BS, Charles R. Rogers, PhD, MPH, MS, MCHESA Cross-Sectional Analysis of Objective and Subjective Socioeconomic Factors and Colorectal Cancer Screening Uptake among U.S. Men 2022 Manuscript pending acceptance
Korous, K. M., Hayden, D., Brooks, E., Tuuhetaufa, F., King-Mullins, E. M., Martin, A. M., Grimes, C., & Rogers, C. R. Development of an Implicit Bias Calculator to Reduce Disparities in Access to Robotic Colorectal Surgery, ongoing research
Awarded grant for $50,000 from Research Foundation of American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons in 2021
Baker S, Miller-Hammond K, King-Mullins E. Small Bowel Obstruction in the Virgin Abdomen. Surg Clin North Am. 2021 Dec;101(6):1045-1052. doi: 10.1016/j.suc.2021.06.003. Epub 2021 Aug 25. PMID: 34774267.
King-Mullins, E and Laryea, Jonathan. Getting involved in ASCRS/national organizations” Seminars in Colon and Rectal Surgery 2021-06-01, Volume 32, Issue 2, Article 100814
Al Fayyadh, M; King-Mullins, E.; Schertzer,M.; Ambroze, W. Colorectal Adenomas in Diagnostic Colonoscopies: A retrospective review in younger patient populations.Virtual Presentation for American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Annual Scientific Meeting, April 2021
Media Appearances
10 Tips for a Healthier New Year from Doctors on Twitter
Official podcast of ASCRS
Legacy of Tuskegee and Other Medical Racism Lives on Today
3 Decades, 2 Best Friends, 1 Inspiring Story
Sirius XM Radio
Media interview- The Karen Hunter Show
Voices From Black Women in Medicine
Physicians as Caregivers, a Powerful Position
Celebs, Organizations Work to Raise Awareness of Colorectal Cancer Among Black Men
Healthy Living, Addressing Hemorrhoids
Colon Health in the Wake of the Death of Chadwick Bosemen
Colowellness Learning Books

Book 1: Mommy! I Made a Boo-Boo
Written by a colon and rectal surgeon, “Mommy! I Made a Boo-Boo” is a book to help guide discussion with your little one about the natural function of having a bowel movement. It touches upon the process of digestion and even broaches the subject of having a different way of passing waste.

Book 2: Mommy Gets A Colonoscopy
In the second series of the colowellness learning books, mommy is going on an adventure to get her colonoscopy. This book is designed to teach children and adults how and why colonoscopies are done. Also equipped with coloring pages, this book is sure to keep the conversation about digestive health going. At the end, see a sneak peek of the cover for book #3.