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Anal Fissure Treatment in Fayetteville, GA

The anus is lined with a very thin and delicate tissue called mucosa. When a tear occurs along this lining, usually toward the end of the anus, the tear is known as an anal fissure.

Many anal fissures will be able to heal on their own over a relatively short period of time. However, individuals should contact a medical professional at Colorectal Wellness Center for effective treatment if their symptoms persist or worsen.

At Colorectal Wellness Center, our team understands the impact that anal fissures can have on your daily life. That’s why we offer effective treatment options tailored to your individual needs. Our experienced surgeon utilizes advanced techniques to address anal fissures and alleviate your symptoms, promoting healing and restoring comfort. Often times this can be handle a carefully curated treatment plan to prevent the need for surgery.

If you’re experiencing persistent symptoms of an anal fissure, don’t hesitate to contact Colorectal Wellness Center for expert care and support. Our compassionate team is here to help you find relief and achieve optimal colorectal health. Schedule a consultation with us today and take the first step toward wellness. Call our office at (770) 325-2275 today!

Common Causes of an Anal Fissure

Most anal fissures are the result of straining too hard during a bowel movement. If the stool is particularly large or has hardened, it can become difficult to pass through the anus without tearing the mucosa tissue. Another common cause is diarrhea. Frequent and repeated trips to the bathroom can cause trauma to the delicate tissue resulting in a tear.

Any person can encounter an anal fissure at any point in their life. Frequent tearing of the lining of the anus may signal the presence of a more serious condition, such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, a sexually transmitted infection (STI), leukemia, or even anal cancer.

Anal Fissure Symptoms

It can be difficult to visualize an anal fissure due to its location, though there are several unique signs and symptoms associated with the condition, including:

  • Pain during bowel movements that persists (often described as cutting or ripping)
  • A visible opening in the lining of the anus
  • Red colored blood on the stool or toilet paper immediately following a bowel movement
  • A burning or itching sensation of the anus
  • Mucus discharge
  • Development of a lump on the skin near the fissure

Fissure Healing and Potential Complications

As mentioned, most anal fissures will gradually heal on their own with appropriate care and maintenance. Individuals can lessen their risk for future fissures by incorporating more fiber into their daily diet or supplementing with a stool softener, staying properly hydrated, and exercising regularly. All of these measures will help to promote a healthy digestive system, which can work to prevent more than just anal fissures.

When to Seek Treatment from Colorectal Wellness Center

Even though many people are able to recover from an anal fissure without professional intervention, it is important to remain vigilant of key signs that your condition has worsened and requires medical attention. The longer you wait to be treated by Erin King-Mullins, MD, the worse your condition and outcome are likely to be.

If possible, Dr. King-Mullins will typically try to heal the patient’s anal fissure using the most minimally invasive means possible. Your provider may recommend lubricating the area with petroleum jelly to ease the passing of stool during a bowel movement, and may also suggest regular sitz baths several times each day to cleanse the tissue and relax the anal muscles. Medicated topical creams and ointments can also assist in keeping the area clean and pain free while the tissue is repaired.

Surgery for an Anal Fissure

Patients who continue to have a failure to heal from an anal fissure may need to consider surgical treatment options. Such procedures are often reserved for cases where all previous treatment methods have failed, or where there has been severe damage to the mucosa and muscles of the anus. This kind of damage can lead to recurring spasms of the anal sphincter, resulting in considerable pain and loss of control over the anal muscles.

A lateral internal sphincterotomy is the standard procedure used to surgically treat an anal fissure. During this surgery, an incision will be made by Dr. King-Mullins to the internal anal sphincter to relieve the tension and contracture within the muscle. Once this pressure is alleviated, the anal fissure is much more likely to heal. Patients are typically sent home within the same day that the sphincterotomy is performed, and can usually expect their symptoms to subside almost instantly.

Schedule an appointment

Schedule a consultation with us today and take the first step toward wellness. Call our clinic at (770) 325-2275 today!