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Rectocele Repair in Fayetteville, GA

What is a Rectocele Repair?

A rectocele repair is typically done to correct bulging of the bottom wall of the vagina. Repair surgery can make the wall of your vagina stronger using stitches or a mesh to help stop your rectum from bulging into your vagina. A rectocele occurs as a result of thinning and weakening of the band of tissue that separates the vagina from the rectum.

At the Colorectal Wellness Center, we specialize in colorectal surgery, offering advanced treatments for rectocele repair, including minimally invasive techniques. A rectocele is a common condition affecting the pelvic floor that can impact your quality of life. Our experienced colorectal surgeon is dedicated to providing expert care. Call our clinic at (770) 325-2275 to schedule an appointment.

Who is a Good Candidate for Rectocele Repair?

These factors can damage the tissue that supports the rectum and vagina and increase your risk of rectocele. You may be a good candidate if you:

  • Had a vaginal childbirth, especially with large or heavy babies
  • Suffer from chronic constipation
  • Regularly practice heavy lifting
  • Are noticing issues as you age

What Treatments are there for a Rectocele Repair?

Both non-surgical and surgical options are used to treat a rectocele. You should have a thorough physical exam and talk with Dr. Erin King-Mullins before deciding on the best treatment.


  • Avoid constipation by following a high-fiber diet (more than 25 grams per day)
  • Drink six to eight 10-ounce glasses of water per day to help keep you regular
  • Avoid straining during bowel movements
  • Avoid long periods of sitting on the toilet
  • Use stool softeners


  • Follow exercises designed to strengthen and retrain the muscles of the pelvic floor


  • You can be fitted with a pessary, a device placed into the vagina to reduce the bulge. This is typically performed by gynecologists or urogynecologists.


If non-surgical methods do not help control rectocele symptoms, surgery may be needed. Surgery is done under anesthesia and usually takes about one hour. In the surgery, the rectocele is reached through the vagina and the rectal area is not disturbed. Some of the muscles of the pelvic floor can be repaired simultaneously


You may also be a candidate for a transanal repair, meaning the rectocele is reached through the anus by a colorectal surgeon. This would allow correction of problems with the anal or rectal area at the time of surgery.

 Dr. Erin King-Mullins can perform either of the repairs above.

Transabdominal Repair

Using incisions in the abdomen the rectocele can be repaired using a top down approach. This technique usually employs placing a mesh to further bolster the wall between the rectum and the vagina and is typically performed when other pelvic floor abnormalities exist whereby  Dr. Erin King-Mullins works in combination with a urologist or a urogynecologist who will repair abnormalities of the bladder and/or uterus. This can be performed laparoscopically or robotically.

After the Repair

The success for surgical procedures to correct the bulge is over 80-90 percent depending on the technique used. Symptoms improve or resolve between 60-80 percent of the time.

With all of the above approaches, patients typically go home the day after surgery.

Experts You Can Trust

Undergoing a rectocele repair is a serious surgery. It can greatly improve your quality of life, but it is important to seek out a qualified surgeon or specialist. We are happy to talk with you about your options for surgery as we work together to get you the relief you need.

Schedule An Appointment

Our experienced colorectal surgeon is dedicated to providing expert care and Rectocele Repair procedures. Call our clinic at (770) 325-2275 to schedule an appointment.